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Community Solutions

Apartment Management * HOA Communities * Hotels/Resorts * Veterinary * Park & Recreation * Landscape Companies * Rest Stops 

Hotels, campsites, home and apartment communities are all going pet friendly. Over 50% of pet owners travel with their pets and HOUNDSCOOP® wants to help your location be inviting to these customers. Help make your property more enticing to pet owners by using HOUNDSCOOP® COMMERCIAL Pet Waste Stations and Bags. By using thicker bags and simple bag removal systems, HOUNDSCOOP® COMMERCIAL bags encourage dog owners to use just one bag, helping to reduce waste of extra plastic in landfills as well as reducing your overall spend on this amenity by as much as 50%.

With our pull-strap header pet waste bags, we eliminate pet owners from accidentally removing more than one dog waste bag when all they need is one poop bag. Imagine how many bags get thrown out unused because of removing too many from the pet waste station. In addition, with our heavier gauge (thickness) bags, we completely eliminate the need to "double-up" on bags.

The HOUNDSCOOP® COMMERCIAL line gives your location the ability to help our world become greener in multiple ways. By encouraging pet owners to clean up after their dogs, the residual pet waste in the grass is decreased.  This lowers the environmental hazard of pet waste bacteria entering our waterways from rainwater run-off.  

Not only will your commercial location be more pet-friendly, but you can also market this to potential homeowners, guests etc. People today often make decisions between locations based on which location is more friendly to pet-owners. 

Please visit the HOUNDSCOOP® COMMERCIAL dedicated e-commerce site here. Below product links will also direct you to the new site.
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